About LDBN

We are a 300-strong network with members of like-minded business-people and entrepreneurs from diverse business backgrounds who share an aspiration for a prosperous and sustainable economy that encourages initiative, rewards merit and reduces inequalities.

Not all members of the Network are members of the Party. We run a series of events throughout the year - many are in person, often in London. These events are designed to give the opportunity to meaningfully engage, hold interesting discussions and network.

Our mission is to improve the relationship between business and politics for the benefit of all. With inflation the highest it’s been in decades and a cost of living crisis unparalleled in generations, businesses are facing a perfect storm. This, set against a backdrop of uncertainty caused by leaving the EU and fear of trade wars, creates the urgent need for action. The Liberal Democrats are committed to standing up for business and to engaging with the business community.

With the welcome recent toppling of Boris Johnson, the immediate political direction of the country is unclear. What is clear is that the Liberal Democrats have shown repeatedly, over the past year, that they can win support from a broad spectrum of voters. As attention starts to focus on the next General Election, now is the time for your business to engage with the Liberal Democrat policy making process to ensure your voice is heard.

All funds raised from the generous contributions of our Members go to help with the Liberal Democrats fight for a fairer, greener, more prosperous United Kingdom the liberal right to prosper, advocacy for the rules-based-system and regulations that reflect risk and reality

What our members say

As a member of LDBN I have had the opportunity to discuss issues with LibDem staff, party members and MPs & Peers. I’ve been able to attend events to discuss developing policy ideas and how they might affect business, and to understand the Party’s perspective. It’s been thoroughly worthwhile and enjoyable too.
— Warwick Smith
I believe business has a huge role to play in promoting a stronger, fairer, greener economy. LDBN provides the opportunity to connect with inspiring people with shared values at the forefront of the industries of the future – it’s always fascinating.
— Amy Dron, Owner, Amy Dron Consultancy

What our spokespeople say

The Liberal Democrats are the natural party of business. We value the contribution of business to our society and recognise the innovation and efficiencies that market forces deliver. We are committed to working effectively with business to develop policy that stimulates entrepreneurship and economic growth. Businesses are currently facing unprecedented challenges. Yet the business community has been tossed aside by a Conservative Government too caught up in political posturing, and Labour is blind to the good that business can do. The Liberal Democrats are determined to build a foundation on which businesses can thrive, grow and create jobs to sustain our economy. Central to the future of growth is seizing the economic opportunities of a green transition. Liberal Democrats are the only party with a serious plan to invest in the infrastructure and skills needed to tackle climate change, and to reward businesses for environmentally sustainable behaviour.
— Sarah Olney MP, Liberal Democrat Spokesperson for Business & Industrial Strategy

Get involved

Recent visit to see LDBN member Mark Petterson's wind farm project with Sir Ed Davey MP.